Buckwheat is a temperate economic crop that is considered as one of the important food grain in Japan and South Korea. The seeds can be grounded into an ingredient for pasta and bread.
Cat. No.
Product Name
Scope of application Detection limit
Detection time
Storage conditions
: RT 10146020
: Agitest Food Allergen Rapid Test - Buckwheat
: Food processing, shared facilities, surface swab, inbound ingredients, final products
: 0.1 ppm buckwheat protein isolate
Environmental swab testing: 1.6 µg/100cm2 buckwheat protein isolate
: Less than 15 minutes
: 2~30℃
: 20 test strips per box with supplies
Buckwheat is a temperate economic crop that is considered as the main grain in Japan and South Korea. Its seeds can be ground into pasta and bread. Recently, it has been used to make beer as a substitution for people who are allergic to wheat. In fact, buckwheat protein is also one of the food allergens. Allergic symptoms include asthma, allergic dermatitis and in severe cases, anaphylactic shock which might be life threatening. Both Japan and South Korea enforce product labels of buckwheat as a food allergen.
Agitest Food Allergen Rapid Test - Buckwheat, is an immunochromatographic test for the detection of buckwheat in food. All reagents required for the test are included in the test kit. Results are interpreted visually. This test is suitable for the detection of unknown ingredient or ambiguous labeling in processed food. Agitest Food Allergen Rapid Test - Buckwheat, can be used with Agitest Environmental Swab Kit (Product Number: SR00013220) to validate and verify allergen sanitation procedures in manufacturing and analytical environment. This test is also suitable for quality control in different stages of manufacturing in food processing factories.