NNV attacks and damages the nervous system of the infected host and results in high mortality rate.
Cat. No.
Product Name
Scope of application
Detection time
Storage conditions
: RT 10037150
: Agitest Aquaculture Rapid Test - Nervous Necrosis Virus
: Fish breeding industry, grouper breeding, food organism, quarantine
: Less than 15 minutes
: 2~30℃
: 50 test strips per box
Fish is one of our valuable sources of protein for over several thousand years. Aquaculture provides a controlled environment allowing mass cultivation of fish and shellfish. Although aqua-farms with high-density cultivation of fish or shellfish promise greater profits; however, virus outbreak threatens this system. Thus, virus screening and infection control become essential for aqua-farms in order to prevent pathogens from entering the system.
Nervous Necrosis Virus (NNV) has become a commonly known virus in the Asian aquaculture business. Virus outbreak usually onsets around 10 days from fry hatching and lasts until fingerling of around 2 inches in length. An outbreak during this period would causes considerable losses with minimal survival rate.
NNV attacks and damages the nervous system of the infected host and results in high mortality rate. Virus outbreak occurs early in the growing stages of the small fry when the immune system is still weak.
Outbreak Period: Egg ~ Fingerlings
Outbreak Mortality Rate: Up to 95%
Host Range: Groupers, Barramundi, Amber Jack, Snapper, Flounder, Perch, Sockeye, Sea Bream, Turbot, Cobia